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5 Debunked Myths About Periods You Should Stop Believing in


    5 Debunked Myths About Periods You Should Stop Believing in


    Every woman of reproductive age has menstruation that occurs approximately once a month. You should also know that many women still believe that periods are only blood that appears from the cervix. The reality is that the menstruation occurs because hormones in the body contribute to the endometrium shedding that creates dense blood clots during periods.

    Due to the fact that menstruation is not a widely-discussed topic, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions that distort information about them. That’s why we gathered these five debunked myths about periods you should stop believing in.

    1. Sex during periods is not acceptable

    Many people think that it is forbidden to have sex during periods. The reality is that it all depends on the desire and well-being of the women. If she is not able to move and experience severe cramps, the woman probably doesn’t want to have sex now. However, if both of you are in the mood, periods shouldn’t stop you.

    You should also know that sex contributes to the production of endorphins. Due to the fact that endorphins act as a natural painkiller, these chemicals can not only improve your mood but ease your cramps as well. Lay a towel on your bed, take a shower, and enjoy each other.

    2. Tampons are extremely harmful

    You may have heard that you shouldn’t use tampons because they can cause different diseases and make you more prone to infections. The truth is that tampons can actually cause toxic shock and bacterial infections if you will not remove it for a long time. 

    A forgotten tampon that is full of blood and discharge can start to rot inside you and may lead to bacteria overgrowth. If you can’t take it out by yourself, you can always ask a gynecologist for help. There is nothing to be ashamed of since the gynecologists face different issues regularly.  

    3. If you have periods, you should avoid physical activity

    Indeed, if your dysmenorrhea is extremely severe and you can’t even walk, you shouldn’t perform any physical exercises. However, mild physical activity can actually ease your pain during periods. As well as sex, exercising can boost the production of endorphins.

    For example, yoga can be extremely beneficial and significantly improve your well-being. There are certain yoga poses (asanas) that can help relax your muscles and relieve painful sensations. 

    4. You shouldn’t use painkillers every period

    Painkiller addiction is a quite common and complicated problem in the United States today. Many people think that if you use painkillers every month, you can develop tolerance to medications and will take more pills. This will make you addicted to painkillers.

    You should understand that if you take one or two pills of OTC painkillers a month, you can’t develop the addiction. However, if you want to ease your pain without painkillers, you can use some relaxing techniques and home remedies. For example, you can place a warmer on your pelvic area or massage your belly with lavender oil.

    5. You can’t get pregnant during menstruation

    Some people think that it is impossible to get pregnant if you are menstruating. That’s why they use these days as a contraception option. However, if you have periods, it doesn’t mean that you can’t conceive during these days. It is important to understand that the menstrual cycle can change and it may shift the ovulation. This means that some women can ovulate during their periods.

    Moreover, sperms can remain active for several days in the vagina and uterus. This means that even if you were not ovulating during sex, you still can get pregnant in a few days. That’s why if you are going to have sex during periods, you shouldn’t forget about contraception.


