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Home Forums Discuss From Your Inner How to report political text messages?

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    • #136758

      To report political text messages, you can follow these general steps:

      Screen Capture:

      Take screenshots or make note of the content, including the sender’s information and the message itself.

      Check Message for Opt-out Information:

      Look for instructions on how to opt out of receiving further messages. Political messages are usually required to provide an opt-out option.

      Contact Your Mobile Carrier:

      Forward the message to your mobile carrier using the provided spam reporting service. Most carriers have a way to report spam or unwanted messages.

      File a Complaint with Regulatory Agencies:

      In the United States, you can file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Provide details about the unwanted messages and any opt-out attempts.

      Use the National Do Not Call Registry:

      If you are on the National Do Not Call Registry, report the political text message as a violation through the registry’s website.

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